Welcome to TLO
Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church and School is a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We are a Christ-Centered, Compassionate, Celebrating, Caring congregation in the in the southeast suburbs located just across the river from the MSP International airport. We are dedicated to guiding people to know, live and mirror God's love. Our church is deeply rooted in God's Word and our doors are always open to people looking for a place to worship. Contact or visit us to learn more about how to become a part of our congregation.

I'm New Here
Once inside the narthex (lobby), the sanctuary (church worship space) is easily accessible. Men’s and women’s restroom facilities are available in the narthex on the sanctuary level.
A children’s nursery is available on the sanctuary level. The nursery is fully stocked with toys and books and includes a “pint-sized” restroom as well as a private room for nursing mothers. For their safety TLO asks children remain under supervision of parents while in the facility.

Holy Communion
The Lord’s Supper is a gift of God’s grace, where we receive the true body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine. This meal is also a testimony of our common faith. Guests who have not confirmed their faith in a congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod are asked to speak with a pastor prior to communing.

Special Worship Services
TLO offers special services on Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Eve, Christmas Day; during Holy Week and Easter Sunrise. During Advent and Lent, midweek worship services are held on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Soup suppers often precede these services at 5:30pm.

Bible Study
Adult Bible study is held Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in the gym. Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am, a men’s Bible Study is held in the Conference Room. Various other studies are held. Services and Bible study are typically 60 minutes.

Children and teens are encouraged to join their family for worship services. A special message just for children is shared at the Sunday morning services each week. Children’s activity bulletins are available for the little ones to use in the pew as they learn to worship with their family.
Sunday School is open to all children grades 3K-8th grade. Senior High Youth Bible studies are offered on Sunday mornings in the Youth Room. Check out our ministry page for more information on how to get your teen involved!

What to Wear
A great church outfit is one that makes you feel comfortable in the presence of the Lord. TLO Church asks our guests wear what helps them to feel prepared to worship. Modest, neat, clean attire ranging from business to causual is appropriate in most cases.

Prayer Availability
Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran welcomes prayer requests on-line through our website or by contacting the church office at 651-454-7235.

Becoming A Member of TLO
TLO offers a new member course (GodConnects) in the Winter, Spring and Fall each year for teens and adults who would like to explore church membership. This course is designed for those who are interested in learning or reviewing the foundations of the Christian faith. The course covers 12 topics that give an overview of the Christian faith. These classes are offered at no cost and with no obligation to join TLO. Together with the pastor you will explore the Bible, the nature of God, the truth about Jesus as well as other religions and denominations within Christianity. Following completion of the classes individuals and families are invited to become part of our TLO church community.