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Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church invites your family to attend a weekly Sunday class at 9:15am. All preschool through grade 8 students are welcomed! Bring your child to the registration table in the TLO School entrance for classroom assignments. Worship for all is offered at 8:00am and at 10:30am. Join us!
All our classes teach salvation is by grace alone through faith alone through Christ alone. You will not want you or your children to miss a Sunday as we hear:
We can trust all of God's Word.
God's attributes are displayed throughout the Bible.
The Bible presents true history, not just "stories" and not "myths."
God's plan of redemption through Christ alone is woven throughout Scripture.
By the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we live in light of what the Bible teaches.
We must be ready to give an answer for what we believe.
Preschool - Enduring Faith Sunday School Curriculum-Preschool: Exploring the Bible through Scripture lessons, crafts, games and more.
Kindergarten - Enduring Faith Sunday School Curriculum-Kindergarten: Exploring the Bible through Scripture lessons and hands-on learning experiences.
First - Eighth Grades - Enduring Faith Sunday School Curriculum addresses the real-life issues that confront Christians every day. Students get a thorough understanding of the authority and primary teachings of Scripture. All ages will be equipped to defend the Bible, becoming conformed to the image of Christ, as they apply God's Word in their everyday lives.​
High School - the High School class engages students in God's Word to strengthen faith and embolden their witness
Adults - The Sunday morning Bible studies taught by Pastor Kroonblawd and help parents grow in faith and understanding of Scripture, equipping you to engage your children in a thorough understanding of the Christian Faith. Click here for the list of adult studies; no registration required for our adult studies.

The Rev. Dr. Tom Park serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Taiwan. As a theological educator, he teaches theology to laypeople as well as to those studying to become pastors, deaconesses and other church workers. In this role, he also is helping to start a new Lutheran seminary on the island.
TLO’s 2024-2025 Sunday school offerings will help support Pastor Park's important ministry in Taiwan.